When should I feed my Dog?
A: Depends!
The oldest poodle that ever lived was Lady who lived to be 28 years and 218 days old. She was born in 1908 and died on August 6, 1937.
The breed is found officially in toy, miniature, and standard sizes, with many coat colors. Originally bred as a type of water dog, the poodle is skillful in many dog sports, including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding. Poodles have taken top honors in many conformation shows, including "Best in Show" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1991 and 2002, and at the World Dog Show in 2007 and 2010.
Among the very smartest and most obedient of dogs, the standard poodle combines playful exuberance with a zest for life's adventures. It retains its hunting heritage and loves to run, swim and retrieve. It gets along well with everyone, although it is somewhat reserved with strangers. It is excellent with children.