When should I feed my Dog?
A: Depends!


So you've thrown a stick to your dog in your yard for three weeks straight. While he may not be tired of this game, it is always a good bet to change up the routine for your pet to make its life more interesting. Here are some tips to improve your pet's happiness:

Take walks to new places

While your pet may love his block and all the safe, familiar sights and smells, don't be afraid to change up the scenery now and then.

Talk to your dog

Communication is critical to establishing a bond with your pet. While dogs cannot understand every word in the world, it is said that they have the mental capacity of a young toddler, and can understand inflection and tone of voice. Soothing sentences can put your dog at ease and make it feel more comfortable.

Switch out toys

A dog's memory may be fleeting about its toys. Rotate the toys out of sight for a few weeks, and when your dog receives it again, it will play with it like it is a new toy all over again.

Teach basic commands

You don't have to become the Dog Whisperer overnight, but simple commands like "Sit" and "Stay" can go a long way into controlling your dog properly. Your guests will thank you, too.

Give your dog a job

Teaching simple tasks like fetching the newspaper or other household item will give your dog a sense of purpose and feeling of worthiness. Make him earn those treats!

Socialize your pet

If you have a social breed, don't forget to introduce your pet to other dogs and welcoming strangers. The interactions will benefit your pets disposition immensely.

water frisbee
jump class
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