When should I feed my Dog?
A: Depends!


Thirty-nine American universities use a Bulldog as their mascot.


The bulldog's heavy, thick-set, low-slung body with wide shoulders gives it a low center of gravity, a vital asset when fighting a large animal. The massive head, of which the circumference should equal at least the height of the dog at the shoulder, gives ample room for muscular attachment for the strong, wide jaws. The undershot bite allows a tight grip, at the same time giving breathing room through the nose. The limbs are sturdy, the gait loose-jointed, shuffling, and rolling — this is not a breed that needs to run! The coat is fine and glossy.

  • Despite its 'sour' face, Bulldogs are amiable and docile
  • Short life expectancy due to cancer and joint problems
  • The term "Bulldog" was first mentioned in literature around 1500

Despite its "sourmug," the bulldog is jovial, comical and amiable, among the most docile and mellow of dogs. It is willing to please, although it retains a stubborn streak. It is very good with children. Most are moderately friendly toward strangers. Although some can be aggressive with strange dogs, the breed is quite good with other pets.

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Bulldog Bulldog Bulldog Bulldog Bulldog