Shield the Arts needs your help!

Shield the Arts exists solely because of the generosity of donors, from average everyday people looking to make a difference all the up to corporate donations and even sponsorship. While we do all we can with what we have there is always more need. If you decide that you would to support the arts in education there are many easy ways to do so. If you're not sure, start by reading what Shield the Arts is all about here.


Monetary Donations

Shield the Arts functions day to day with a lot of help from volunteers, but an organization that does as much as we do needs help sometimes, too.

We are a not-for-profit 403(C) organization which means that every dollar donated goes directly to funding programs and paying costs for supplies and equipment necessary for these programs to carry on. It's because of people like you that Shield the arts is able to carry on and continue to spread the joy that art and creativity brings to students across the country. Any donation is graciously appreciated and is fully tax-deductible.

Please click on the link below to donate today!


Give and Take Program

Shield the Arts believes in supporting schools and other educational organizations with culminated donations and distributing to those who need them. One way we are able to continue to do is by consistently gathering unwanted and unused supplies and redistributing them to those in need. This program not only benefits schools but is also a way is to prevent waste buildup and improve the environment while we enrich the minds of the youth.

Contact Us and select "Support" in order to arrange a supply donation today!