Welcome to Shield the Arts

Shield the Arts is an organization dedicated to simultaneously preserving the role of traditional art in education while introducing and supporting emerging technology-based mediums that are in high demand in today's world.

Shield the Arts was founded in 2004 by four high school teachers who saw art programs continuously cut back and realized a solution was needed to keep creative programs in our schools. While deciding how to keep these programs alive they realized that while preserving traditional art was important it was equally important to begin teaching their students about new technology and new creative mediums that were quickly dominating the job markets.

Through a combination of various fundraisers and with the support of several generous donations these four teachers did the impossible; they not only revived their school district's art program they also managed to secure several new computers and Wacom tablets and institute the first Digital Arts class.

Eight years later Shield The Arts is best resource for educational institutions who wish to carry on the same spirit of preserving traditional mediums while teaching new ones. STA will work with educational institutions to institute programs into their curriculum as well as provide resources for the educators themselves to prepare them to teach their students about the latest in creative technology. As part of the programs we provide STA will also work with you to raise the funds to independently support these programs. As part of the STA programs they also collects various materials from companies and individuals and make them available to the educators and students in need at no cost.

The success of SA and its programming would not be possible without the support of donors. If you are interested in donating your unwanted reusable items to STA or you would like to support our organization with a tax-deductible monetary donation please visit our donor page today.

If you are interested in any of our programs please click here to see if you qualify.