When should I feed my Dog?
A: Depends!

I'm a new dog owner!


Owning a dog is not just a privilege-it's a responsibility. Your pet depends on you for everything in its life, and it offers you its uncompromised love, protection, and comfort. Treat your pet well, and it will return a better life for you and those around you. This site offers tips and information for the new dog owner, and lists some of the most popular breeds in the U.S. for those who are thinking about becoming dog owners. If you are hesitant about dog ownership, simply answer "Yes" to these three questions:

  • Do you feel the need for companionship and unconditional love?
  • Do you want to live longer? (Pet owners generally live longer.)
  • Do you want to help and adopt a pet to give it a better life?


10-Second Quiz:

Which are safer — electric fences or choke collars?